Credit Card and Credit Related Spanish Phrases With Online Audio Sound
Listen To Credit Card Spanish Phrases
Credit cards are very popular and most of us use our credit cards every day -- so it's beneficial to know how to talk about credit cards in Spanish. Do you work in a store and need to talk about credit and credit cards in Spanish?
Or are you planning a vacation to a Spanish speaking country and have an interest in shopping there and being able to talk about credit cards in Spanish?
Below are the phrases you need. These are Spanish sentences with English translations below and are related to using Credit Cards. All the phrases are spoken by a native Spanish speaker and you can listen to the phrases as often as you like.
Spanish phrases that are commonly heard when talking about Credit Cards
- Esta tarjeta de crédito esta aceptada en casi todas las tiendas.
- This credit card is accepted at almost all the stores.
- English has many words with double letters -- such as the double c in the word accepted in the sentence above. It's helpful to know that Spanish doesn't have double letters like this very much.
- Mi tarjeta de crédito no tiene cuento anual.
- My credit card doesn't have an annual fee.
- Yo puedo usar el teléfono o internet para saber cuanto debo cada mes en mi tarjeta de crédito.
- I can use the telephone or internet to find out how much I owe every month on my credit card.
- Two ways to say every (or each and every) are cada and todo los. Both ways are used a lot.
- Lo que cobran de interés está variable con el tiempo.
- What they charge for interest varies over time.
- No me interesa las tarjetas de plata o de oro.
- I'm not interested in the platinum or gold cards.
- ¿Acepta esta tienda las tarjetas de crédito?
- Does this store accept credit cards?
- Notice how the word order of this sentence is the reverse of English.
- Con esta tarjeta el cargo por financiamiento mínimo es de $1.
- With this card the minimum finance charge is $1.
- El banco de mi tarjeta de crédito me da 1% en efectivo de lo que compro en la tarjeta.
- My credit card bank gives me 1% cash of what I purchase with the card.
- Here's a false cognate to watch out for -- the word efectivo in this sentence means cash not effective.
- Trato de pagar todo lo que debo en la tarjeta cada mes.
- I try to pay everything I owe on the card every month.
- La cuota anual de membresía es de $20.
- The annual membership fee is $20
- The Spanish language has accent marks above some letters and other special characters. Find out how to make the special Spanish characters here.
- Algunas tarjetas dan millas para los aviones.
- Some cards give airline miles.
- ¿Cual es la fecha de vencimiento de la tarjeta?
- What is the expiration date of the card?