Doctor Related Spanish Phrases

This list of Spanish sentences and phrases deals with topics that come up between a doctor and patient. Even if they don't speak the same first language, doctors and patients need to be able to communicate. It's vital that doctors and all medical professionals understand what their Spanish speaking patients are telling them. The phrases on this page will help, and the included audio sound file will teach the exact pronunciation.
These phrases will teach you how to say you don't feel well and where it hurts. Also, you'll know what it sounds like when the doctor asks you where it hurts,
- No me siento bien.
- I don't feel well.
- Me duele el estomago.
- My stomach hurts.
- You can substitute any body part in the above sentence to say something hurts.
- ¿Tienes calentura? (fiebre, temperatura)
- Do you have a fever?
- The three words above can all be used to describe the English word for fever. Different words are used by different groups of people in different countries.
- Mi brazo duele cuando lo levanto.
- My arm hurts when I raise it up.
- Esto ne es serio.
- This isn't a serious condition.
- Por favor, respire profundo.
- Please breathe deep.
- ¿Donde te duele?
- Where does it hurt?
- ¿Por cunto tiempo has tenido este dolor?
- How long have you had this pain?
- Me duele la cabeza.
- I have a headache.
- ¿Estas tomando algun medicamento?
- Are you currently taking any medication?
- ¿Estas alergico a algunos medicamentos?
- Are you allergic to any medications?
- Regresa a ver me en dos semanas.
- Come back and see me again in two weeks.