Exchanging money Spanish Phrases
Listen To Exchanging Money Spanish Phrases
When you travel to a Spanish speaking country you'll need to exchange your money for the money of that country. You'll exchange your money into pesos in Mexico, for instance, at banks, airports, and special currency exchanges. Knowing how to speak and understand the following phrases about exchanging money is especially important because not understanding could cost you money.
The phrases on this page will teach you the correct phrases to use to exchange money and also exactly how to pronounce those phrases with a Spanish accent. You'll learn how to ask where you can change your money, what time the bank opens and closes, and ask about traveler's checks.
You'll also know how to inquire on the current exchange rate of pesos per dollar, deal with service charges, and even talk about cashing a personal check.
Finally, this page will help prepare you for a situation where you need to sign some paperwork or show some form of identification in order to exchange your money. You might want to pay special attention to not only the phrases you expect to say but also the phrases you expect to hear other people say to you. You can listen carefully to the included audio file to hear exactly what other people will say to you and then know what to expect and what to listen for.
- ¿Donde puedo comprar cheques de viajero?
- Where can I buy traveler's checks?
- Optionally, you can add the phrase part "can you please tell me" to the beginning of this phrase and some of the phrases that follow. ie: por favor, puede decirme ...
- ¿Donde puedo cambiar dinero?
- Where can I change money?
- El banco esta abierto de las 9 hasta las las 5.
- The bank is open from 9 to 5.
- ¿Sabe Usted donde puedo cambiar este cheque?
- Do you know where I can cash this check?
- ¿Cuantos pesos puedo comprar por un dolar?
- How many pesos can I buy for one dollar?
- Nesecitamos ver alguna indentificación.
- We need to see some identification.
- Usted tiene que firmar este papel aqui.
- You have to sign this paper here.
- ¿Donde nesecito firmar?
- Where do I have to sign?
- Esta abierto la oficina de cambio.
- The currency exchange is open.
- Nesecito algunas monedas tambien, por favor.
- I need some coins too, please.
- Me gustaria cambiar un cheque personal.
- I'd like to cash a personal check.
- ¿Cuanto es el cargo de servicio para cambiar dinero?
- How much is the service charge to exchange money?