Factory and Warehouse Related Spanish Phrases
Listen To Spanish Phrases For Warehouse and Factory
Are you a manager of a warehouse where many of the employees speak Spanish? Are you a manager of a Factory and need to learn Spanish? Do you work in a factory or warehouse and want to learn the Spanish that is spoken there? If so, the phrases on this page will help you.
Below is a list of Spanish phrases that will help you get by in a warehouse or factory. These sentences are actual sentences that you'd hear in a warehouse, factory, or place where trucks are loaded.
Also, loading the shipment with care, and whether or not the entire shipment will be able to fit in the available space on the truck. The correct way to pronounce the phrases can be found in the included audio file which is recorded by a native Spanish speaker.
Spanish phrases that are commonly heard in the factory and warehouse.
- Ayer recibimos cinco trailers de merancia.
- Yesterday we received five trailers of merchandise.
- In this conjugation the ending is almost as long as the stem -- this is a plural past tense form of the verb recibir - to receive.
- Esos tres skids de tornillos se necesitan mover para atras.
- These five skids of screws need to be moved in back.
- Porque tenemos muchisimo trabajo, vamos a tener que trabajar el sabado.
- Because we have a lot of work, we're going to have to work on Saturday.
- This sentence illustrates the way to say 'we're going to have to'. -- To use the future tense to say that there is something you'll have to do in the future.
- En esta bodega ne recibamos mercancia de las trocas entre las doce y la una.
- In this warehouse we don't receive merchandise from trucks between noon and one o'clock.
- You'll see the words fabrica used for factory and bodega used for warehouse -- these words and their definitions can vary by region.
- Cinco cajas estan perdidas.
- Five boxes are lost (or missing).
- This is how you can refer to part of an order or truck shipment being missing.
- Trabajo medio dia en la oficina y la otra mitad en la fabrica/bodega.
- I work half the day in the office and the other half day in the factory / warehouse.
- The words medio and mitad in the above sentence are both used to say half. -- But be careful about simply interchanging some words like this because they can have a shade of meaning that would make then not fit with what you want to say. In this case medio is the adjective for half and mitad is the noun for half.
- En este fabrica hablan dos idiomas -- Ingles y Español.
- In this factory they speak two languages -- English and Spanish.
- Nos dan treinta minutos a medio dia para comer.
- They give us thirty minutes at mid day to eat.
- Noon or mid-day is called medio dia and midnight is called media noche
- Siete cajas estan dañados.
- Seven boxes are damaged
- Empezamos a trabajar a las seis de la mañana.
- We start work at six o'clock am.
- No creo que todas esas cajas van a caber en la troca.
- I don't think all those boxes will fit in the truck.
- Por favor pon las cajas en la trailer con cuidado.
- Please put the boxes in the trailer with care.