Hotel and Resort Related Spanish Phrases With Free Sound Included

Are you planning a vacation or trip to a Spanish speaking country? If you ever take a vacation to a Spanish speaking country you'll have a wonderful opportunity to practice Spanish and learn more Spanish. While you're on vacation, you'll probably be staying at a hotel of some sort and you'll want to know some Spanish phrases that are specifically used at hotels. So that's what you'll find on this page, a list of Spanish phrases and sentences that are used at a hotel, motel, or any kind of resort residence.
- Los cuartos en este hotel vienen con un desayuno gratis.
- The rooms in this hotel come with a free breakfast.
- No se permite comida o bebida en la area de la piscina.
- No food or drink is permitted in the pool area.
- Los niños menos de doce años de edad son gratis.
- Children under 12 are free.
- Usualmente se ocupa tarjeta de credito para hacer reservación.
- It usually requires a credit card to make a reservation. You can use se ocupa as a way to same something is needed, or required.
- Tenemos un servicio de reservaciónes de computadores.
- We have a computerized reservation service. As you can see, some of the Spanish words are rather long and have a lot of syllables. This is where the included audio file will really help you get the pronunciation correct. Just click the link above.
- Los precios no incluyen impuestos.
- The prices don't include taxes. The verb incluir is in plural form because it talks about the plural of precios(prices).
- Los grupos grandes estan bienvenidos.
- Large groups are welcome Notice how each of the 5 words in the phrase above are in a plural form.
- No se puede fumar en este cuarto.
- No smoking is allowed in this room. The phrase no se puede is commonly used to say you can't or it can't be done or it isn't allowed...
- Todos los cuartos de este hotel tienen cafetera.
- All the rooms in this hotel have a coffee maker. Note that the Spanish word hotel is spelled the same as in English but the h is silent.
- La piscina esta abierto de las seis de la mañana hasta las once de la noche.
- The pool is open from 6 am to 11 pm. To say AM - de la mañana -- To say PM before 6 or 7 is de la tarde and later than that is de la noche.
- No se permiten niños de menos de 12 años en el jacquzi
- No children under 12 allowed in the hot tub. The reflexive verb permiter means to allow.
- ¿Tiene este hotel una lavanderia?
- Does this hotel have a laundry room? This sentence has an inverted word order -- English puts the object on the other side of the verb. Spanish can have the subject and object next to each other.

A Holiday Inn hotel and parking area.