Additional Real Estate Related Spanish Phrases
Listen ToReal Estate Spanish Phrases
There are so many phrases and sentences related to buying and selling real estate. Here is another page of real estate phrases with audio recorded in Spanish. The Spanish phrases on this page and the included audio file will help you to know and be able to pronounce the Spanish phrases you need to talk about real estate in Spanish.
- ¿Conoces una agente que me ayuda comprar una casa?
- Do you know an agent who can help me buy a house?
- Here is an example sentence with three people involved. The speaker, the agent, and the person to whom the speaker is asking the question.
- Estoy apenas empezando la busqueda de mi casa.
- I'm just beginning my home search.
- ¿Cuantos años de experiencia tiene tu agente de bienes raises?
- How many years of experience does your real estate agent have?
- Raising of the voice, or voice inflection, during a question is similar between Spanish and English. Listen to the way the voice inflection changes in the audio files for the questions on this page.
- Me dejarón comprar mi casa sin costos de cierre.
- They let me buy my house without closing costs.
- Closing costs -- a lot of the Spanish for certain industries is just a word for word literal translation of the English. Sometimes the English words themselves are used because a Spanish equivalent doesn't exist. When the English words for something are used, they are often pronounced with Spanish pronunciation.
- Mi esposa quire una casa de estilo Victoriano.
- My wife wants a Victorian style house.
- Esta casa tiene nuevo techo que hicierón hace un año.
- This house has a new roof that they did one year ago.
- Two of the characters of words in the sentence above have special accent marks above them. You can learn to make these special Spanish characters on the computer keyboard here.
- Incluida con esta casa es una garantia de un año.
- Included with this house is a one year guarantee.
- Preferemos buscar una casa de nuevo construcción.
- We prefer to look for a new construction house.
- Estamos buscando una casa de ladrillo con sotano terminado.
- We're looking for a brick house with a finished basement.
- Podemos buscar casas que cuestan hasta $300,000.
- We can search for houses that cost up to $300,000.
- Ahora es posible comprar casas sin denero de enganche.
- Now it's possible to buy houses without a down payment.
- Listen carefully to the audio for this sentence and note the h in the first word is silent. The h is always a silent letter in Spanish. And the sound of h in hello is made in Spanish with the j and sometimes the g.
- La yarda de esta casa tiene piscina con calefacción.
- The yard of this house has a heated pool.