Spanish Phrases for Talking With Friends - With Online Audio Sound

The most fun you have speaking Spanish will be laughing and talking with your friends. Use the phrases on this page to practice the most popular phrases you'll use with your friends. The Spanish phrase is in bold-type and its English definition is right below it. Most of the Spanish phrases have a sentence or 2 of notes below that tell you exactly how and
The audio file below contains all the Spanish phrases on this page recorded by a native Spanish speaker.
- Antes de salir, apage la luz.
- Before going out, I turned off the light. This sentence uses an adverbial phrase to say when the action happened, then uses the past tense of the verb apagar in the yo form.
- ¿Quien va a ir con el?
- Who's going to go with him? This question uses the infinitive form of the verb ir in reverse order -- going to go becomes va a ir. This is very common. You could also say the same thing like this: ¿Quien va con el?
- ¿Que es lo que te gustó mas de la pelicula?
- What did you like most about the movie? This is something of an advanced sentence but a great one to know. Good for talking with friends and in all kinds of situations. You could also a shortened version with people you know well like this: ¿Que te gustó mas de la pelicula?
- Tengo mucho que decirte
- I have a lot to tell you Not too much going on here--notice the word dercirte is two words combined into one.
- El sabe escribir Español.
- He knows how to write in Spanish. English adds a few extra words here--5 words for 'he knows how to write' condenses to 3 in el sabe escribir. And most situations would drop the el and say 'sabe escribir'.
- Me gusta mucho la musica popular.
- I like popular music very much. Great phrase can be used with a million things. Notice the reversed word order.
- Me gustan los discos compactos de Juan Gabriel.
- I like the CDs by Juan Gabriel. This is interesting -- Notice the verb gustar is in the plural they (ellos) form : gustan. That's because to say 'I like' something you actually say "something pleases me". So the sentence uses gustar in it's plural form because CDs(the things doing the pleasing) is plural.
- ¿Cuales son tus jobis favoritos?
- What are you favorite hobbies? This is a good question to ask a friend. Notice how the plural of hobby has to be carried through to the other words.
- Mis jobis favoritos son leer y tocar guitarra.
- My favorite hobbies are reading and playing guitar. Here's the answer to the above question.
Have fun with your friends
Have fun talking with your friends in Spanish using the phrases on this page.