Listen To Spanish Phrases For Getting To Know Someone
Listen To Spanish Phrases To Get To Know Someone
I would like to know the Spanish phrases I need to get to know someone better. If this is something you've said before, then the phrases with audio sound on this page are just what you're looking for.
What kind of Spanish will you learn by listening to the phrase recordings on this page? Here's a little overview of the types of things you'll be able to say after listening to these sentences: Catch up with an old friend by asking them what they've been doing lately.
Talk about your dog, describe your dog to someone, and tell a friend your dog's name. Ask for a friend's phone number so you can call them later. Express to someone that you really like them a lot. Kindly ask a friend to give you a moment so you can tell them something important that's been on your mind. Ask someone you've just met for them to tell you their name. How to ask someone where they are off to. Tell a Spanish speaker that you know how to speak a little bit of Spanish language. And when you're ready to say goodbye to your friend, tell them to have a good day. Also, learn how to say hotel check in in Spanish, and mention that you're interested in becoming a fireman.
English | Spanish | |
What have you been up to lately? | ¿Que has estado haciendo ultimamente? | |
Is it going to rain? | ¿Va a llover? | |
It is very humid this evening. | Hay mucha humedad esta tarde. | |
I want a pink polar bear. | Yo quiero un oso polar de color rosita. | |
My mother is kind. | Mi mama es muy amable. | |
Please use the front door. | Por favor, usa la puerta de enfrente. | |
Please come to the back door. | Por favor, usa la puerta de atras. | |
My dog's name is Snickers. | El nombre de mi perro es "Snickers". | |
I have a small white dog who is very quiet. | Yo tengo un perro chico y blanco, que casi no hace ruido. | |
Check In. (for a hotel) | Registrarse en el hotel. | |
Can I get your number? | ¿Puedes darme tu numero? | |
You are the best. | Tu eres lo mejor. | |
Please talk to me for a minute. | Por favor, hablame por un minuto. | |
Can you please tell me your name? | Por favor, ¿puedes decirme tu nombre? | |
where are you going? | ¿A donde vaz? | |
I'm good. | Yo estoy bien. | |
I speak a little Spanish. | Yo hablo un poco de Español. | |
Have a good day. | Que tengas un buen día. | |
I want to join the fire brigade. | Quiero juntarme con los bomberos. |