Action Words - Irregular Verb Conjuagation
This section will talk about irregular verbs. Irregular verbs change their form to match the subject in ways that aren't consistent with other verbs -- at least not in every case. While regular verbs use the same set of forms from verb to verb, irregular verbs are generally unique and have to be learned on an individual basis.
Irregular verbs take more effort to learn than regular verbs. Where regular verbs simply add a standard ending to a verb stub, these irregulars often look completely different in their different forms. This will become clear as you look at and listen to the examples below.
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The Spanish Verbs ser and estar
Ser and estar are two Spanish verbs that both have a definition of to be in English. But ser and estar are used in different ways and have more definitions, as you'll see below.
Spanish | English |
yo soy | I am |
tu eres | you are |
el es | he is |
nosotros somos | we are |
vosotros sois | you (pl) are |
ellos son | they are |
Ustedes son | you(formal) are |
You use the verb ser to say someone's nationality, or where someone is originally from. You also use ser to state some inherent thing about a person. Listen to these examples.

I am from Mexico

He is tall.
Spanish | English |
yo estoy | I am |
tu estas | you are |
el esta | he is |
nosotros estamos | we are |
vosotros estáis | you (pl) are |
ellos estan | they are |
Ustedes estan | you(formal) are |
You use the verb estar to talk about a temporary condition of something. About things that can change.

The door is open.

They're tired.

The car is clean.
The Spanish Verb Ir (To Go)
The verb ir means to go. After the table you'll find examples of using the verb ir.
Spanish | English |
yo voy | I go |
tu vas | you go |
el va | he goes |
nosotros vamos | we go |
vosotros vais | you (pl) go |
ellos van | they go |
Ustedes van | you(formal) go |

We are going to the store

They are going with you.
The word 'vamos' by itself can translate into the English phrase "Let's go!"
The Spanish Verb Tener (To Have)
The verb tener means to have but that's just the beginning because tener is also used to convey many other meanings in Spanish. After looking at the conjugation table for tener, see and hear the example phrases below.
Spanish | English |
yo tengo | I have |
tu tienes | you have |
el tiene | he has |
nosotros tenemos | we have |
vosotros tenéis | you (pl) have |
ellos tienen | they have |
Ustedes tienen | you(formal) have |
Here are some examples. Click the links to listen to the Spanish audio.

I have three Spanish books.
tener ganas
to want to do something.

I'd like to go to the store.
Often the verb tener can be translated into the English word to be
tener cuidado
to be careful
tiene frio
he's cold
tener exito
to be successful
tener prisa
to be in a hurry
tengo suerte
I'm lucky
Get Help With Irregular Verbs From the Dictionary
When you learn a new irregular verb and you need to know how to conjugate it you don't have to look any farther than your dictionary. The irregular verbs in the dictionary all have a number next to them that corresponds to a table in the front that explains how to conjugate the irregular verb. As you'll see, some irregular verbs have a pattern of sorts that apply to more than one verb. So, their not all different.
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